Friday, May 28, 2010

Surrealist Quiz

Number your reply 1-5.

Type the letter that corresponds with the correct painter's name in each place.

DON'T FORGET to include YOUR NAME!!!

(K)- Kahlo

(D)- Dali

(M)- Magritte

(C)- Chagall

(D)- Duchamp

(J)- J. Miro

No artist 'appears' more than once...
So, there is one name you will not use.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FINAL study list

This is every possible work that may be presented for the IDENTIFICATION section of the final.
Aside from the artist's last name, this time you will need to state the 'ISM' or movement that each artist belongs to for full credit.
TITLES of the work will still be extra credit.

Le Dejeuner sur Herbe, Edouard Manet -PG. 248
Olympia, Manet -PG.248
Portrait of Emile Zola, Manet - PG. 251

The Artist in his Studio, James Whistler -PG.250
Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Whistler- PG. 254

The Magpie, Claude Monet - PG.252
Poppies, Monet- PG. 256
Saint Lazare Station, Monet - 259
Water Lily Pool, Harmony in Pink, Monet - PG.282
Waterlilies, Monet -PG. 296

A Woman and a Girl Driving, Mary Cassatt - PG. 261
The Bath, Cassatt -PG.272

Sunflowers, Vincent Van Gogh- PG. 266
Still Life With Quinces, Van Gogh- PG. 267
The Siesta, Van Gogh- Pg. 267
The Artist's Room in Arles, Van Gogh-268
Self Portrait, Van Gogh-268
Starry Night, Van Gogh-268
Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Van Gogh-270

The Scream, Edvard Munch - PG.274
Self Portrait in Hell, Munch - PG.276
Starry Night, Munch -PG.298

The Clowness Cha-u-kao, Toulouse Lautrec- PG. 277
Miss Eglantine's Troupe, Lautrec- PG.277
The Seated Clowness, Lautrec - PG. 277

La Vie, PICASSO -PG. 284
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, PICASSO -PG. 286
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, PICASSO- PG.288
Still Life With Chair Caning, PICASSO, PG. 291
Three Musicians, PICASSO - PG.297
Guernica, PICASSO- PG.305

I and the Village, Marc Chagall- PG. 291

Nude Descending a Staircase, Marcel Duchamp -PG. 292
Bicycle Wheel, Duchamp -PG. 294

The Menaced Assassin, Rene Magritte -PG. 299
The Empire of Light II, Magritte - PG. 311

The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali -PG.302
Self Construction with Boiled Beans, Dali -PG.305

My Grandparents, My Parents, and I, Frida Kahlo- PG. 306

Broadway Boogie Woogie, Piet Mondrian -PG. 308

Full Fathom Five, Jackson Pollock - PG. 309

Shot Red Marilyn, Andy Warhol - PG. 316

Monday, May 17, 2010

MAY 17th, Group Project LAB day

Make some decisions today!
With your group or partner, take some of the first steps on your group project -
Designing an art history video game.
You only have 10 days left to complete this (I think...)...

You should start deciding the layout and STYLE of game.
You should decide WHAT WILL BE TAUGHT within the context of the game.
Maybe even come up with a character concept... If your game even HAS characters.

Read that handout.
This is no simple group project! Who will be making the visual aids? Will they be made on the computer or on posterboard?

TODAY is also a good time to do the first piece of research for your PAPER.
1) WHO will your artist be writing his/her letter TO?
2) WHAT specific piece of their work will be discussed?

My engine sort of blew up this weekend, and my Subaru is (hopefully) getting patched back together today... But I will be back tomorrow even if I have to -take the bus- yyeeeuccchhh....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ISM list

This will only help you if it makes sense to you.
Wikipedia definitions won't help if you don't understand them.

The terms you are responsible for this 6 weeks are all ART MOVEMENTS after the 19th Century.

You will be responsible for the artist's name and the MOVEMENT on the final test... Again, titles will be extra credit.

Keep in mind that some artists (arguably) belong to more than one movement, or maybe don't fit with the movement our text book suggests. We will spend some class time (especially during the review) classifying people.


It will greatly help you if you understand what these movements were all about. Define these movements in terms you will understand. Read the definitions, do a google image search and look at examples of the work... How will you identify these movements to YOURSELF?

REMEMBER- you can only use notes taken on the backs of worksheets for this class!!!




Abstract Art

Pop Art
As my dad used to say- There are TWO types of people... Those who FIT IN to categories, and those who DON'T...

Click this link for directions/specifics...

Come on out anytime from 11-7pm this Saturday and see over 150 artists showing their stuff out in the gorgeous sunshine!

Admission is free!

There will be food vendors and musicians!

See some exciting art!

See some exciting crafts (the lady who made purses out of old billboard vinyl was quite popular last year....)!!!

Bring a date!

Stop by Mr. Liebrecht's table and laugh at his paintings!

GET EXTRA CREDIT FOR walking up and down a street!!!
Another link with details...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

MidTerm Review

Don't forget the review code of conduct for our review challenge/game...

Last Minute Stuff

A couple of last minute notes before the MID-TERM.
1) Make sure you -reserve- your artist for the research paper with Mr. L BY THURSDAY, tomorrow... This is worth 5 points!
We will be talking about the paper right after the 3 day weekend...

2)Today is your last chance for some extra credit. An 'art current event' is worth 5 points. Find an article about a newsworthy art-item that's happened in the past year, sum it up in 3-4 sentences, turn it in! 5 points each- and you can do up to 3 of them!!!

3)Check your grade- did I miss anything? It might also inform you about how much you have to study for the mid-term....

4)FIRST FRIDAY in Oregon City. You have to visit at least 4 downtown OC businesses that participate- and bring me proof on MONDAY! (a cell phone picture of the art they are displaying? ) This site might help you find out where to start... And don't be afraid to ask the businesses downtown! I know Coffee Rush participates!!! The APR 29th entry on this site might help you out!

5) QUESTION OF THE DAY- The first person to respond to this blog with the correct answer to today's question gets 5 points extra credit - - -