Monday, June 14, 2010

Wooden Mario

8 bits on woodgrain in earthtones.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Your Last 2 Posts...

OK, ideally you will be making 2 posts today.
1 will look like this:

Pete showed the artist TOM SULLIVAN to Roger.
Roger showed the artist BETTY MAXWELL to Pete.

Your 2nd post should be anonymous and cover ONE THING you liked about this class and think I should definitely continue to do next year, and ONE THING you did not enjoy so much and could probably be re-thought and/or done better next year.

Do not worry about hurting my sensitive little feelings, criticism can help one grow.
(... of course, please try to refrain from reverting the beasts
some of you became on the last discussion - blog, this will be my last and enduring impression of y'all...)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's The Final Countdown...

I am out today because my GF is getting an ultrasound, so we can actually see the little creature in her belly.
FRIDAY y'all will be introducing your 'Artists Who Aren't Dead Yet' mini-presentations (we don't have class on Thursday, that is the P.2 and P.4 FINALS day)...

These are 20 points.

Remember YOU CAN work with a partner.

We need to see 3 images of their work.
The Easiest way to do this would probably be TO EMAIL THEM to yourself, so they'll be waiting for you in your -inbox-.
And don't forget the small amount of biographical information that was on that sheet I gave out.

ALSO, if you haven't turned your book in yet, I can take it tomorrow- but do not ask the sub to deal with it.
Just hold on to it one more day.

I will have the FINALS graded by class on FRIDAY.

And lastly - YOUR PAPERS are due Friday (50 points).


Friday, May 28, 2010

Surrealist Quiz

Number your reply 1-5.

Type the letter that corresponds with the correct painter's name in each place.

DON'T FORGET to include YOUR NAME!!!

(K)- Kahlo

(D)- Dali

(M)- Magritte

(C)- Chagall

(D)- Duchamp

(J)- J. Miro

No artist 'appears' more than once...
So, there is one name you will not use.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FINAL study list

This is every possible work that may be presented for the IDENTIFICATION section of the final.
Aside from the artist's last name, this time you will need to state the 'ISM' or movement that each artist belongs to for full credit.
TITLES of the work will still be extra credit.

Le Dejeuner sur Herbe, Edouard Manet -PG. 248
Olympia, Manet -PG.248
Portrait of Emile Zola, Manet - PG. 251

The Artist in his Studio, James Whistler -PG.250
Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Whistler- PG. 254

The Magpie, Claude Monet - PG.252
Poppies, Monet- PG. 256
Saint Lazare Station, Monet - 259
Water Lily Pool, Harmony in Pink, Monet - PG.282
Waterlilies, Monet -PG. 296

A Woman and a Girl Driving, Mary Cassatt - PG. 261
The Bath, Cassatt -PG.272

Sunflowers, Vincent Van Gogh- PG. 266
Still Life With Quinces, Van Gogh- PG. 267
The Siesta, Van Gogh- Pg. 267
The Artist's Room in Arles, Van Gogh-268
Self Portrait, Van Gogh-268
Starry Night, Van Gogh-268
Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Van Gogh-270

The Scream, Edvard Munch - PG.274
Self Portrait in Hell, Munch - PG.276
Starry Night, Munch -PG.298

The Clowness Cha-u-kao, Toulouse Lautrec- PG. 277
Miss Eglantine's Troupe, Lautrec- PG.277
The Seated Clowness, Lautrec - PG. 277

La Vie, PICASSO -PG. 284
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, PICASSO -PG. 286
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, PICASSO- PG.288
Still Life With Chair Caning, PICASSO, PG. 291
Three Musicians, PICASSO - PG.297
Guernica, PICASSO- PG.305

I and the Village, Marc Chagall- PG. 291

Nude Descending a Staircase, Marcel Duchamp -PG. 292
Bicycle Wheel, Duchamp -PG. 294

The Menaced Assassin, Rene Magritte -PG. 299
The Empire of Light II, Magritte - PG. 311

The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali -PG.302
Self Construction with Boiled Beans, Dali -PG.305

My Grandparents, My Parents, and I, Frida Kahlo- PG. 306

Broadway Boogie Woogie, Piet Mondrian -PG. 308

Full Fathom Five, Jackson Pollock - PG. 309

Shot Red Marilyn, Andy Warhol - PG. 316

Monday, May 17, 2010

MAY 17th, Group Project LAB day

Make some decisions today!
With your group or partner, take some of the first steps on your group project -
Designing an art history video game.
You only have 10 days left to complete this (I think...)...

You should start deciding the layout and STYLE of game.
You should decide WHAT WILL BE TAUGHT within the context of the game.
Maybe even come up with a character concept... If your game even HAS characters.

Read that handout.
This is no simple group project! Who will be making the visual aids? Will they be made on the computer or on posterboard?

TODAY is also a good time to do the first piece of research for your PAPER.
1) WHO will your artist be writing his/her letter TO?
2) WHAT specific piece of their work will be discussed?

My engine sort of blew up this weekend, and my Subaru is (hopefully) getting patched back together today... But I will be back tomorrow even if I have to -take the bus- yyeeeuccchhh....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ISM list

This will only help you if it makes sense to you.
Wikipedia definitions won't help if you don't understand them.

The terms you are responsible for this 6 weeks are all ART MOVEMENTS after the 19th Century.

You will be responsible for the artist's name and the MOVEMENT on the final test... Again, titles will be extra credit.

Keep in mind that some artists (arguably) belong to more than one movement, or maybe don't fit with the movement our text book suggests. We will spend some class time (especially during the review) classifying people.


It will greatly help you if you understand what these movements were all about. Define these movements in terms you will understand. Read the definitions, do a google image search and look at examples of the work... How will you identify these movements to YOURSELF?

REMEMBER- you can only use notes taken on the backs of worksheets for this class!!!




Abstract Art

Pop Art
As my dad used to say- There are TWO types of people... Those who FIT IN to categories, and those who DON'T...

Click this link for directions/specifics...

Come on out anytime from 11-7pm this Saturday and see over 150 artists showing their stuff out in the gorgeous sunshine!

Admission is free!

There will be food vendors and musicians!

See some exciting art!

See some exciting crafts (the lady who made purses out of old billboard vinyl was quite popular last year....)!!!

Bring a date!

Stop by Mr. Liebrecht's table and laugh at his paintings!

GET EXTRA CREDIT FOR walking up and down a street!!!
Another link with details...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

MidTerm Review

Don't forget the review code of conduct for our review challenge/game...

Last Minute Stuff

A couple of last minute notes before the MID-TERM.
1) Make sure you -reserve- your artist for the research paper with Mr. L BY THURSDAY, tomorrow... This is worth 5 points!
We will be talking about the paper right after the 3 day weekend...

2)Today is your last chance for some extra credit. An 'art current event' is worth 5 points. Find an article about a newsworthy art-item that's happened in the past year, sum it up in 3-4 sentences, turn it in! 5 points each- and you can do up to 3 of them!!!

3)Check your grade- did I miss anything? It might also inform you about how much you have to study for the mid-term....

4)FIRST FRIDAY in Oregon City. You have to visit at least 4 downtown OC businesses that participate- and bring me proof on MONDAY! (a cell phone picture of the art they are displaying? ) This site might help you find out where to start... And don't be afraid to ask the businesses downtown! I know Coffee Rush participates!!! The APR 29th entry on this site might help you out!

5) QUESTION OF THE DAY- The first person to respond to this blog with the correct answer to today's question gets 5 points extra credit - - -

Friday, April 30, 2010


Today, you will get your discussion points through blogging.

For the 5 points you will answer one of the following questions in 2-3 sentences-
'react' or 'respond' to 2 of your peers comments.
Agree or disagree or add to their train of thought, but your posts must have SUBSTANCE to count!!!!!
A mere "I agree!" or "You are so smart!" WILL NOT COUNT.

Don't forget to end with your name on all 3 of the comments that you make today.

Here are the QUESTIONS.
1) With the appearance of the first major ART CRITIC (john ruskin),the question is-
WHO IS THE BIGGEST influence on what you like?
WHOSE OPINION do you take as 'gospel'?
WHO do you listen to about artistic matters? clothes, movies, music, etc...?
WHO is this person in your life NOW?
Who was your biggest influence 10 years ago?
Who do you think will be your biggest influence in 10 years?

2) Without getting too spiritual, how do you think someone knows when they've found the thing they want to pursue for the rest of their lives? THEY JUST FEEL IT, is not an acceptable answer - really think about HOW YOU WILL know when you find your future career path...

3) Can art kill someone? How?
Can art save someone's life? How?
I KNOW YOU MIGHT try to answer this question with a joke or something, like, "YES, if it falls off the wall and crushes their skull..." But if you answer this question, try and think less literally...


Friday, April 23, 2010


So... Any of the terms below are fair game for MULTIPLE CHOICE, or TRUE/FALSE questions on the midterm- And don't forget, the meanings may be different on DICTIONARY.COM than what they mean when applied specifically TO ART... So Look in your book's glossary for further clarification... If you need it...

Venus of Willendorf = Fertility Idol
LASCAUX = Cave paintings
Equestrian Statue
Illuminated Manuscript
Divine Proportion
camera obscura

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mid Term Study List #1

This is a list of every possible image you may be tested on for the MIDTERM.
Remember- I am only looking for the ARTIST'S NAME.
Supplying the title of the piece will be extra credit.

Madonna in Majesty - Giotto pg.94
Feast of Herod - Donatello Pg. 100
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife - Jan Van Eyck pg. 106
David- Donatello pg. 108
Equestrian Monument to Gattamelatta - Donatello pg. 109
Saint Mary Magdelene - Donatello pg. 113
Primavera- Boticelli pg.120
Birth of Venus- Boticelli pg. 121
Drunken Bacchus- Michaelangelo pg. 123
Last Supper- Lenardo da Vinci- pg.123
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Albrecht Durer pg. 124
Portrait of Oswalt Krel - Albrecht Durer pg. 126
Self Portrait With a Fur Coat- Durer pr. 126
Pieta- Michaelangelo pg. 130
David- Michaelangelo pg. 131
Holy Family- Michaelangelo pg. 131
Creation of Adam (from the ceiling of the Sistine chapel)- Michaelangelo pg. 132
The Mona Lisa (la giaconda) - Leonardo da Vinci pg. 132
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel- Michaelangelo pg.133
Triptych of the Epiphany- Heironymus Bosch pg. 133
Triptych of the Garden of Earthly Delights- Bosch pg.134
School of Athens- Raphael pg. 136
Triumph of Galatea - Raphael pg.138
The Sistine Madonna- Raphael pg.138
Moses- Michaelangelo pg.138
Madonna of the Chair- Raphael pg. 139
Melancholia- Durer pg. 139
Christ Carrying the Cross- Bosch pg. 141
Transfiguration- Raphael pg. 142
Tomb of Giuliano- Michaelangelo pg. 143
Last Judgement- Michaelangelo pg. 148
Hare- Durer pg.151
Winter- ACRIMBOLDO pg. 158
The Vegetable Gardener- Acrimboldo pg.163
St. Catherine- Caravaggio pg.164
Conversion of St. Paul- Caravaggio pg.166
Entombment of Christ- Caravaggio pg.186
Judith Beheading Holofernes- Caravaggio pg.169
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp- Rembrandt pg. 177
Danae- Rembrandt pg. 179
Bathsheba with David's Letter- Rembrandt pg. 185
View of the Delf- Jan Vermeer pg.186
Head of a Young Woman- Vermeer pg. 189
The Lacemaker- Vermeer pg. 190
Return of the Prodigal Son- Rembrandt pg. 192
The Oath of the Horatii- Jacques-Louis David pg. 214
Portrait of the Painter Hubert Robert- Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun pg. 218
Self Portrait- Lebrun pg. 218
Ancient of Days- William Blake pg.220
Marat Assassinated in his Bath- David pg.220
Portrait of Mme. Recamier- David pg. 224
Self Portrait- Lebrun pg. 225
Coronation of Napoleon- David pg. 227
Portrait of the Family of Charles IV- Francisco de Goya pg.224
The Colossus- Goya pg.228
Third of May 1808- Goya pg. 229
Self Portrait- Goya pg. 229
The Massacre at Chios- Eugene Delacroix pg.233
The Death of Sardanapalus- Delacroix pg.234
Liberty Leading the People- Delacroix pg. 235
Burning of the House of the Lords and Commons- J.M.W. Turner pg.239
Landscape with Junction of the Severn and the Wye- Turner pg. 242


In my continuing quest to save the trees of the world- You will be answering the quiz in here ONLINE!!! I have selected HIDE COMMENTS, so you won't be able to read anyone else's answers when you submit.

This is an experiment.
In your reply- type your name and 1-5
Answer with
C= Carravaggio
G= Gentilleschi
R= Rembrandt
V= Vermeer

Good Luck!


Political Art Research

Today you will be researching ONE of 4 different POLITICAL works of art.
Take a look at all of the before you decide which one to do.
Find them online or they are also found in your book at the listed page.

Marat Assassinated in His Bath, by Jacques-Louis David Pg. 220
The Coronation of Napoleon, by Jacques-Louis David Pg. 221
The Third of May 1808, by Francisco de Goya Pg.229
Liberty Leading the People, by Eugene Delacroix Pg. 235

Read up on the POLITICAL SITUATION that inspired the piece you choose. WHAT WAS THIS EVENT? Who was involved? What governments/countries?
And most importantly -
WHAT was the artist trying to SAY with this piece???

For the 5 points today:
You will answer these questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS in a 'comment' on this blog.
I'm looking for at least 4 sentences- BUT KEEP YOUR WRITING CONVERSATIONAL- explain it IN YOUR WORDS, as if you were talking to someone!!!!
Don't forget your NAME and the title of the piece you are talking about.
if you want to do a SECOND PIECE you can, for 5 points extra credit...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DaVinci Sketches

Don't forget these are DUE FRIDAY! for 10 points...

1)COMBINE 2 inventions to make a new one
2)Human Improvement
3)Nature Study
4)New Weapon (maybe non-lethal?)
5)Dissection Drawing of an everyday object
6)Modern Religious Scene... This can be either a scene of the modern way we practice religion- or an updated version of one of the 'classical' religious scenes- like the Nativity scene set in a homeless shelter for example...
7)Design a NEW MACHINE to make life easier

and for extra credit-
8)design a MONOGRAM from your initials (like the artist Albrecht Durer)
9)draw your own personal hell, not fire & brimstone... For YOU it might be eating your Grandma's cold spaghetti while listening to Miley Cyrus ( Inspired by the artist H. Bosch)

ART HISTORY Extra Credit Film List

See one of the below films and write ONE PARAGRAPH -either on a piece of paper, or just as a 'comment' to this blog post- describing your favorite SPECIFIC scene for extra credit. Due on MAY 5th. for 5 points each (15 points maximum).

Be AWARE of the RATINGS!!! Some of these films are rated R and should be watched with the permission of (or in the presence of) an ADULT!!!!

Girl with the pearl earring
Devil and Daniel Johnston
How to Draw a Bunny
Art School Confidential
In the Realms of the Unreal
SUPERSTAR! The life and times of Andy Warhol
I Shot Andy Warhol
Factory Girl
Moulin Rouge (1952 version)
The Two Mrs. Carolls
The ART of the STEAL
Little Ashes
exit through the gift shop
Surviving Picasso
Storming the Citadel
Shape of Things
White Oleander
Downtown 81
Van Gogh (1991)
Vincent and Theo (1990)
American Splendor
Who the #!*@? Is Jackson Pollock?
My Kid Could Paint That
Christo in paris

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Art of Unhappiness,9171,1015857,00.html

read the linked article.
It is TWO PAGES- so please read BOTH.

Form an articulate opinion on the issue that is discussed, because we will be having our first discussion -for points- on this topic TOMORROW!!!
You can post your opinion today- but DON'T forget what you 'said' because you'll need to actually SAY it tomorrow for points!!!

ALSO- for further information about the MONA LISA- where I left off yesterday- find out WHY she was smiling for Leonardo... There is a few wacky theories about this...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The QUESTIONS are: Which of these inventions would you buy for yourself?
Which of these items would you buy for someone else? AND WHY?

I would get the SOAP for myself (to help me wake up in the morning) and the NEEDLE for my mom (because she sews...alot... and she is getting old, too...)

Don't forget to END YOUR POST with your name, but select the ANONYMOUS post on the little 'comment as' menu...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Greek and Roman Sculpture

You and your partner have to do some internet research. Your task is to find 2 differences and 2 similarities in Greek and Roman sculpture.

I do not suggest trying to find an article that someone has written and posted... It is alot of reading and most articles discuss the differences in their ARCHITECTURE, not their SCULPTURE.

I recommend that you simply IMAGE SEARCH Greek sculpture and then image search Roman sculpture and use your own fresh mind, intuition, and perspective to make these observations...

You and your partner will then post these DIFFERENCES/SIMILARITIES in a post on this blog to take care of the 5 points for the quiz we are not having this week.

Click on the little comments line next to the little PENCIL below this text to add your answers/insight.

In the COMMENT AS... menu, select ANONYMOUS... BUT...

Do not forget to end your BLOG POST answer with the names of you & your partner!!!